by Dominic Davies | May 26, 2023 | Uncategorized
Introduction Gender, sex, and relationship therapy (GSRD) is an emergent psychotherapy building on the affirmative traditions of relational and humanistic schools and harnessing some of the techniques of third-wave cognitive behavioural therapy, which can be...
by Guest Contributor | May 26, 2023 | Book Review
Jane Chance Czyzselska invites us to face the uncomfortable truth that the psychotherapy profession is influenced by colonial history and culture as well as which are unhelpful at best and harmful at worse for queer people. Czyzselska decided to have a conversational...
by Maria Kindstedt | Nov 4, 2021 | Book Review
Trauma, Resilience and Health Promotion in LGBT Patients promises us two things. Firstly to educate those of us working in healthcare about the effect of identity-based adversity on the health of our LGBT patients. Secondly, to outline how we as providers can use the...